a backpacker's life

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AT Day 35 and 36: Pinkham Notch

07-27-11: The Presidential Range 07-28-11: Getting Closer to the White Mountains 07-28-11: Picking Wild Blueberries 07-28-11: The White Mountains 07-28-11: Red Cooking Dinner P1030468
07-30-11: Taking Down Camp 07-30-11: Resupply 07-30-11: Low Clouds 07-30-11: Heading to Pinkham Notch 07-30-11: Pinkham Notch 07-30-11: Heading to Pinkham Notch
07-30-11: A Kaleidoscope That Actually Exists 07-30-11: Trip to Berlin

AT Day 35 and 36: Pinkham Notch, a set on Flickr.

Click thumbnails to enlarge photo and read descriptions.